About Deck Tales

Welcome to my world of woven words and mystical tarot readings! I’m a storyteller at heart, and this blog is my canvas. Here, I delve into the enchanting realm of fictional characters and explore how the mysterious art of tarot reading impacts their lives, decisions, and destinies. Each story is a unique blend of imagination and symbolism, drawing from the rich tapestry of tarot to offer insights and reflections that transcend the boundaries of our reality.

Tarot has been a significant part of my personal journey, serving as both a guide and a source of inspiration. Through my writings, I aim to share how these ancient cards illuminate paths, reveal secrets, and foresee possibilities. My creative process is deeply intertwined with my interpretations of the tarot, allowing me to express and navigate the intricate landscapes of human emotions and experiences.

Occasionally, I’ll share genuine stories from my own life—readings I’ve done for friends and family. To protect their privacy, I’ll alter names and places, but the essence of these encounters will remain true to how tarot has touched and transformed our lives. These real-life anecdotes bring a personal touch to my blog, grounding the mystical in the everyday.

This blog also serves as a reflective space where I share my own experiences with tarot. It’s a tool that has helped me become more discerning and aware of how I react to different situations, and I hope to offer you insights that might help you in a similar way.

Join me on this journey of storytelling, self-discovery, and spiritual exploration. Whether you’re a tarot enthusiast, a lover of stories, or someone curious about the wisdom that can be drawn from these age-old cards, there’s a place for you here. Let’s unlock mysteries, one card and one tale at a time.

If you have a story to tell, please reach out to me at hello@decktales.com.



The information found on this blog is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.